Thursday 1 September 2011 @ 8:16 pm
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Happy September, everyone :-)

Got some NYLON magazines from the bookstore today! I have been a fan of NYLON magazines ever since my sister and I bought the 2011 music issue in June. I was inspired by one of my favourite fashion bloggers, Zoe, to buy the one from Japan as well! And truth be told, I'm glad I did.

NYLON is my official fashion bible from now on. The American mag is the August '11 issue, but I don't really mind! I'll be going back there maybe next week to get the September issue. The Japan mag however, is the October issue! Weird.

In the top picture, you can see those 4 coupons that I got - ALL from the American mag. It says you 'save alot', but overseas countries have to pay an extra amount of $10 - $30 just to get it mailed over. Which is crazy, if you ask me. If you want these coupons, contact me, lol. But don't forget to read the fine print! x


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This blog was opened on 8 Sept '11, to accommodate Ariel's random bursts of inspiration to write down bits and pieces of her journey through teenage life.

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