More Stuff
Sunday 28 August 2011 @ 10:54 pm
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Okay retail therapy is great when you're having a cold. I feel sooo much better. I went out shopping with my mum in the afternoon. The great thing about shopping with my mum is that she gives good fashion advice despite our huuuggee age gap (and she pays for everything mua ha ha ha).

Alright!! Super cute black cardigan with white polka dots from Mango at $59. Really really expensive :\ But my mum bought it for me so she agreed :-) P.S. I feel that this picture is way better than the ones in the previous blog entry - so I'll be sure to get the lighting better next time.

Ankle(?) boots from Marks & Spencer at $160. Bought by my mum as well.

There was also a blue blazer from Mango that I really wanted but they didn't have my size. I might go down to another location this week and try and find it, because I really really loved it and I keep thinking about all the things I'd wear it with! And another item I was contemplating whether to get was this tan coloured bowler hat with a black sash around it. We'll see!


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This blog was opened on 8 Sept '11, to accommodate Ariel's random bursts of inspiration to write down bits and pieces of her journey through teenage life.

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